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- March 23, 2003: Hey fans and others who may or may not despise us! Welcome to the journal page! Me, Mark, and Rob just got back up to college, while lucky Tom and Joe get to stay on the sweet Island that is Long. We recorded this week, and it was pretty sweet. Once again, Josh made our band sound near professional. The recording part was fun, but what was even sweeter was the practice after this past Saturday. We introduced 4 new songs and they rock so far!!! In other news, we are starting production on the actual CD’s themselves. We are working on the cover art, but thanks to my Mom and Dad we won’t need to buy many CD’s and labels because they were donated to the band. So the name of the CD shall be released soon, as well as the actual CD itself!!! SWEET! And finally, we are kicking some serious butt over in Iraq, but some Americans find it funny to still “boo” Bush (may I remind you our elected leader) and I even heard some French and Canadians are booing the national anthem at sports activities. That sucks, c’mon guys, have some respect for the people who are protecting you. I’m not a fan of war, but we gotta do what we gotta do. Well, much needed prayers everywhere, thanks for tuning in. (P.S. remember to give hugs and money to Double Edged Sword)
-Dan again
- February 25, 2003: Hey people who read this. This past weekend was sick! NT rocked the stage, and we sold almost all of our demos! We are currently working on some new songs and practicing on getting tighter, and we will do anything to accomplish this! This includes sleeping over Tom and Rob's house, playing Uno till we kill eachother, tying up the drummer and beating him senseless, and even peeing our pants! You may hear more about the sleepover later, because I'm gonna try and get all the band members to write a journal entry. But anyway, college stinks, I can't wait to come home and play till I crap my pants and have to change them. Go to Homestarrunner.net, It's dot com! Peace and God bless home slices!
- February 17, 2003: Hey bros. And sisters. It's Tom from D.E.S. writing my first journal entry. How’s it going? The band is so psyched for this up coming show Friday. My brother Rob will be at the Islander and Avalanche game that night so we will be joined with Joe P. from Before the Fall, which I think is totally wily. The web site is doing great thanks to the college band members. Take time to check out Larkfield’s website while you are here. They will be with us this Friday also. I'm giving a last shout out to all my friends and fans. Keep striving towards the Lord. He is the real reason we are doing this. Peace.
- February 5, 2003: Helloeverybody, its your friendly neighborhood punk wannabe. I'm just dropping a line here because I havent wrote on the website yet. Anyway, Dan and Mark stopped by from college a while ago, and we snuck into the church to practice. Little did we know that everything was locked up. Dan and I wound up doing a little mission impossible action, sneaking around the basement. When we finally found a way up into the church, we tripped some kind of motion sensor and almost set off all the alarms. Its a good thing Pastor and friends were on their way in anyway, and they turned the alarm off for us, and let us in through the door - without ever knowing about our little espionage in the basement. That much said, I just wanna let everyone know that DES is working real hard on perfecting our old songs for the studio, as well as writing new material. Things are coming along nicely, and I think everyone is going to be happy with the work we've been doing. Thats about it for now, homedogs, I'll peace you on the flipside.
- January 16, 2003: Hey what’s up everyone, it’s everybody’s favorite white rapper that’s write Eminem is in the his ouse. Just kidding it’s me your local rapper with white boy syndrome and a superman complex. Who’s the goose? It’s me… Anyway recording went amazing… I heard horror stories about bands going in to record and coming out not a band anymore… Something about the tension in the studio makes a lot of bands argue and fight. But not double edged sword, I only had to punch Tom twice, head but Dan a couple times, and kick Joe in the balls once. All and all it was a great experience. Well on to more recent news, it’s a sad day for double edged sword we have officially kicked Rob out of the band for being too British. No matter how many times we told him to stop he always went back to his British roots. The band has met together and decided to replace Rob with the Apostle Paul… Apparently he is an accomplished Bass player and is looking for a good Christian band to play with, POD, Pillar, Pax 217, Blindside, and the David Crowder band all told Paul they didn’t need his services as a bass player or even a French hornest. When we found out he was available we asked him right away… Well to make a long story short after about ten times of begging him to play for us he has reluctantly accepted under one condition… That we change the name of the Band to “Double Edged Paul” We agreed so that is now the name of our… ALRIGHT QUITE ENOUGH! Just kidding Rob isn’t out of the band yet. Well that’s about all I have to say. May God bless you as he has all of us. Keep us in you prayers and P-E-A-C-E
- December 24, 2002 (Studio Entry): Wow. Just wow. I thought we were an OK band, but now the truth has been shown: we still are an OK band, but Josh Silverberg is so sweet! This kid amazes me beyond belief. Recording is rocking hard. I must say that Tom and Rob knew what they were doing cause they were in and out, rocking HARD!!! I would have to say I was slow on the guitar, and a bit nervous at that, but Joe made up for me by rocking pretty hard as well. The huge surprise though was the vocals by Mark. He was insane on the mic yesterday, you should have seen him. I have a feeling what Mark does is gonna make this EP that much better. I also do have to say that me and Joe weren't too shabby on the vocals either. Just got some fix time and mixing, and 3 of our songs will be complete. Just wanna give a huge thanks to Josh and his killa weak sweet band Mannafest. They may be putting something out called "Kill Me Sucka" or "Tell All Your Enemies" (totally kidding). Anyway, recording rocks, and I love Tom. Have a great Christmas Eve and Christmas! L8TER
- December 16, 2002: Hey fans and people who like us, its me Dan back on the journal. Just wanted to say "thanks" to all you who look at this thing. Anyway, Mark, Rob and I are so psyched about coming home. Can't believe the semester is over and we are gonna record soon! This is the real deal! Heh, OK, so maybe I'm a little too excited, but hey, wouldn't you be? I just can't wait to get back to Long Island, THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE AND GROW UP EVER!!! And Christmas time is great there too. Up here in Nyack, we can't even think about Christmas till finals are over. Anyway, More updates to come on what songs will be on the EP, and maybe we'll cook up a name or two for the album itself. See you later! Peace, God bless, and Merry Christmas!
- December 10, 2002: Hey hey everybody. Its Mark here on the mic… Or should I say keyboard. (Booooo) Anyway I’m real excited about our new page. Dan is doing an amazing job so for that much thanks is in order. I cant wait to record over break, its gonna be sooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeet. The man who is going to record us in none other then Josh Silverberg (The lead singer for Mannafest), he actually goes to college for this stuff so I know he will make us sound great… Even Rob (Just messing Rob). I’m just hoping that he has a magic rhythm button he can press whenever I screw everything up. Well anyway Double Edged Sword will be getting some new toys to play with over Christmas. If Santa brings what I’m hoping he does, we will have something to record homemade EP’s with. I already started writing a new more rap-based album called “The Birth of Emo Rap” (Don’t worry the rest of the band will… Let me rephrase; Tom will still be in that album.) If all goes well that EP will be out by summer time along with an all worship DES album. (But both of these are just hopefuls) So the horizons are broad for DES… thanks for riding along with us. Merry Christmas and God Bless.
- November 12, 2002: Hey guys, its Dan again. We're working on some new songs and getting ready for Sneakerfest. WE ARE SO PSYCHED!!! Can't wait to play dudes. Anyway, God is doing some cool stuff in my life, and He's always blessing our band, so we have no reason not to expect amazing things from Him. Not much else going on, except for the long waiting in college that we must do. We'll be home soon enough so we can just chill and play. Well, gotta go, peace and praise God!
- October 24, 2002: Hey guys, its me Rob (the stupid bassist) writing to all you loyal Double Edged Sword Fans out there in cyber space. Well let's see... what has been going on? Well, we all went home last weekend and had a "Band Meeting" at my house. It really rocked. We all realized that since our last gig, which was our first in an "un-Christian" atmosphere, there needed to be a turning point and a discussion about what our mission is. My bro's drum teacher spoke and this was good because he has gone down this path way ahead of us. His experience and words of wisdom were greatly appreciated. My Dad also spoke on his experience in a band. We worked out a lot of stuff and feel RE-energized about what (AND "WHO") we rock out for. We now know that this is the next step in our mission to bring the Gospel to folks via loud music and having fun. Now we (Dan, Mark, and I), are back up at college grinding away at the books. It's a little hard. But we look forward to this summer when we can actually rock out at shows and have loads of uncontrollable fun. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of my girlfriend, Laura, or the time when all you fans flipped out and rocked at our concert at Our Savior. Always remember that we may rock out and have a good time together, but all the glory goes to Him who gave us breath, strength, and abilities to have a great time. This is me signing out, Lata.
- October 10, 2002: I am sitting at the computer right now, at work, trying to figure out what I'm gonna write for this journal entry. I guess I'll just say whats on my mind. Today was Daneal and I's 2 year anniversary! I had fun, and we bought eachother a bunch of stuff. With that great news, comes a whirlwind of frustration though. Noon to Five broke up about a week ago. I hope to see Fred put a new band together and jam like he wants to, and my prayers go out to him. This brings plenty of frustration though because we are now not sure if the show with the Huntingtons and Hangnail is on. I also have been stuck in this college for the past month, not being able to jam with my band... this makes me upset. I just want to be able to play whenever I want. This is my calling, I love playing music... espiecially for God. The band is finally going to get together and talk and practice in a week or so, but it just feels so long since we were together. We were a family over the summer, and its so frustrating to hear other CDs and watch other bands play like a family when I just want it to be summer again so we can play! Double Edged Sword presses on though, we endure through this time of silence. We may not be playing shows, recording, or even practicing right now, but we are still a band, and we have our fans, our families, and most importantly, our God on our side. For whoever reads this, thank you, and your prayers will be appreciated!
- October 1, 2002: Hey what up everyone? Its Mark’s turn for the journal. That’s right everyone’s favorite MC is behind the keyboard. Ok let’s see, Sunday was D2ES' first secular show. First time that we were not in a church with a bunch of screaming Christians (usually our friends) to support us. And can I just say that it rocked. I guess since we didn’t have a church there to support us God decided he would. He was definitely present and I thank him for that. The other bands were amazing… I just want to thank them for letting us play with them cause it was crazy fun I couldn’t believe how much further along they were then us. We now have a goal to strive for… As for the band as individuals these our kind of tough times for us. It appears we have reached a crossroad and need to decide where to go from here. We could use a lot of prayer because we need to make some big decisions. Our hope is that we have not forgotten why we started a band in the first place and that from here on out everything we do is for the Lord’s glory and not out own. Well thanks for reading and sign the guest book to tell Dan what a great job he is doing on the site.
- September 20, 2002: Hey, its Dan here... I'm gonna try and get the other members to post journal entries with this, so here goes the first one. I love playing in this band. It's the best thing I have done in a while. I'm currently in Nyack College right now, studying to be a Pastor of some sort. Mark and Rob are with me, so they may be able to post sooner. Well, we will keep you fans (the very few of you) in touch and give you the info. Thanks for checkin' in!
is there not a better way? Hebrews 4:12