God for being among us and in us, showing us the Way to go through prayer and worship, Our families, especially Moms and Dads (you know who you guys are, without family, there is no way we could have done this), Our biggest fans (our bros, sisses, and best friends), Daneal for the merch, photos, and all the behind-the-scenes stuff you do... Thank you so much! To Laura, thank you so much for your help with the shirts, w/o Scary Fish Toy, there would be no Merch. To Dan Frank for helping setup wires and crap in the beginning when we were clueless, you've been there since the very start, thanx! Thanks to Tiana who has helped SFT numerous times in merch stuff. To the loyal fans that come every show for a good time and mosh pit (you know who you are)! To Before the Fall and No Tomorrow, you guys ROCK!!! Keep on touring with us! To Mannafest, thanks for hookin' us up with some gigs! Thanks to Fred from the old band Noon to Five (RIP) for also hookin' us up. Shout to Larkfield! To Pastor, Bert, Gary, and everybody else @ Our Saviour LC... we owe you guys so much for support and practice time! To Ulga and the entire Church on the Sound crew, you guys are awesome!!! Thanks to Nyack, heh. To Melanie and everybody @ Lamppost, thanks for the wild times and the times to come! To our "producer" Josh, we love you man! A huge thanks to everybody @ CCC, you guys rock! To the David Crowder Band, Pax 217, Pillar, Linkin Park, and whoever else we rip off to cover a song... THANKS FOR WRITING! To everybody we forgot, thanks for caring that we forgot you and you will be on this list soon! To Joe P and Kent Dail (thats it) for showing us this tripod website stuff so we can have a cool one that works... and last but not least, in fact most, Our Lord Jesus for suffering a horrible death on the cross just so we can Live to sing about His Name... Amen!